An electronic mailing list is a set of email addresses which can get the same message at the same time. If an email message is sent to the primary email address associated with the mailing list, for example –, it is forwarded automatically to all the addresses which are included in that mailing list. This feature will allow you to reach electronic mailing list subscribers without difficulty, so you can send announcements or any other information on a regular basis to your customers. Based on the application that is used to administer the mailing list itself, addresses can be included manually by the mailing list’s administrator or people need to register, giving their consent to receive emails in the future. A mailing list will spare you lots of time and will allow you to stay in touch with your clients with ease, which can rev up the popularity of your web site.

Mailing Lists in Shared Hosting

If you make use of any of our Linux shared hosting and our email services in particular, you will be able to create an electronic mailing list without any effort or even use multiple mailing lists, if you want to stay in touch with different groups of people and to send them different content. With just a couple of mouse clicks in the Email Manager part of the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to pick the email address which the emails will be sent from, and the administrative address and password that you will use to administer a variety of settings. We use Majordomo, one of the most widespread mailing list managers available on the market, which will enable you to add/remove users and to modify quite a few settings related to the subscribers and the content they receive.